measuring & building a robust brand equity in a competitive marketplace
key benefits of this workshop
1. Understand ways to run a brand audit to evaluate your brand’s position in the marketplace, its strength and weaknesses.
2. Understand the key drivers within your organization, the industry and the competitive environment that define brand positioning.
3. Learn ways to map your brand’s equity against of key competitors to help you stay one step ahead
4. Establish a constructive framework that will pulse the health of your brand in the market.
5. Take away key techniques in effectively placing your brand on digital platform.
6. Gain insights from local case studies that will be demonstrated by the trainer.
7. Quantify the value of the brand assets using valuation techniques based on the cost, income and market approaches to valuation.
8. Comprehend the ways to measure the brand’s value according to the financial performance, the role the brand plays in purchase decisions and the brand’s competitive strength.
Branding is an essential part of every company’s marketing toolkit. It allows a company to communicate its vision, values and voice over a wide variety of channels, including digital.
This workshop will help marketers understand the value of their brand now, the steps to take to build their brand and how they should measure its growth over time. Through instruction, exercises and case studies, workshop participants will walk away with new insights about their brand and action points for starting their brand growth journey.

Jeff Rajeck is an experienced marketing trainer and consultant based in Singapore whose recent clients include Amazon, Adidas, Cathay Pacific, and Singtel. His approach is to urge marketers to decide on the foundational elements of a successful marketing campaign – namely business goals, marketing objectives and strategy – before choosing marketing tactics and channels.
Jeff has been training through Econsultancy, a London-based marketing publisher, since 2015 and has written hundreds of blog posts, delivered dozens of webinars and produced several research papers for the company, as well. Before Econsultancy, Jeff served as the marketing director for a Singapore startup which provided social media analytics consulting for clients such as Standard Chartered, Deutsche Bank, BASF and KPMG. Jeff holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Illinois (US) and a master’s degree in Finance from Nanyang Technological University (SG). Jeff will complete a master’s in marketing with a specialization in Marketing Analytics at the University of Alabama in 2020.