The growing importance of data analytics is now recognized as a major competitive advantage in business today. Harvard Business professor Thomas Davenport’s best selling business book ‘Competing on Analytics’ is a testimonial to the ever-growing importance of this discipline. With the explosion of information, businesses are now able to produce results and ultimately measure performance for any given initiative. But how solutions are developed from this information and more importantly how do businesses action these solutions. This is about adopting the discipline of data analytics where businesses use prior or historical information to determine what has happened in the past but also to predict what might happen going forward. This discipline can utilize simple techniques such as Boolean type business rules for future decision-making or use more complex mathematical techniques such as predictive models as a means of formulating these decision rules. The simple notion of making business decisions based on intuition and one’s prior experience is becoming more the exception rather than the rule. Businesses are now adopting data analytics to provide a more quantitative and scientific approach in their decision-making. As with any discipline, though, there is a process and approach that is critical in creating the necessary steps for building successful solutions. Within this process and through many years of experience in building analytical solutions, much learning has amassed on what works and what does not work.
Through this seminar, this prior learning is leveraged as participants are provided with a comprehensive perspective in how to both build and deploy data analytics within their respective organizations. Numerous case studies in industries such as finance/banking, telecommunications, insurance, retail, non-profit plus other industry sectors demonstrate the
increasing significance of data analytics as a core business discipline.

Richard Boire
Founder and Owner
Biore Analytics
• Top five experts in this field in Canada
• CMA Board Chair 2009-2013: Customer Insights and Analytics Council
(Canadian Marketing Association)
• Program Advisory Committee Member
University of Toronto Continuing Education
Seneca College-Toronto
Centennial College –Toronto
George Brown College-Toronto
• Published whitepaper on “Is Predictive Analytics for marketers Really that Accurate“ in May 2013 of Journal of Marketing Analytics
• Authored book in 2014 published by Palgrave Macmillian and available in Amazon on “Data Mining for Managers: How to Use Data(Big and Small) to Solve Business Problems”